Every Bit of Love
Doula Support
Photo Cred: sarahlongphotography.mypixieset.com
Congratulations! Nothing is more exciting than having a baby, and I thank you for taking a moment to visit Every Bit Of Love! It is a wonderful option to consider having a doula as part of your birth team. Every birth is different and unique. Although birth can be unpredictable, I believe you should always feel seen, heard, respected and supported.
I'm Emily, mom of 3 and a trained birth doula. I feel birth is a magical experience that transforms a woman in so many ways. My goal is to always give continuous physical, emotional and informational support- before, during and after childbirth, in every effort to provide the healthiest and most enjoyable experience possible. Whether that be a natural path to labor and birth or the support of medication, I will provide unbiased support.
Let's fill the room with joy, love and respect.
Let's plan for all types of situations so you feel empowered when the day comes to welcome your baby into the world.
And let's remove any fear and anxiety you hold around your birth.

Research shows that people who use a doula are:
*Less likely to use Pitocin *Less likely to have a cesarean birth
*Less likely to use any pain medication
*More likely to rate their childbirth experience positively
*sited from DONA International